Constitution & By-Laws

Wisconsin Baseball Association Code of Ethics

  1. Baseball is played by gentlemen.
  2. Good conduct on and off the field is a mark of distinction.
  3. Players should take pride in wearing clean, properly fitting uniforms. Dirty or unfit uniforms are impermissible in state tournament games.
  4. Players should always display interest, energy, and enthusiasm in the game, especially entering and leaving the field.
  5. Players must always respect umpires and spectators. In disputes with an umpire, allow your manager to argue for you.
  6. Umpires should dress uniformly and act inconspicuously while officiating a game.
  7. Umpires should never fraternize with managers or players.
  8. Games should always start promptly. Remember the audience is half of the game.
  9. No smoking by players on the playing field.
  10. Always give your best effort.



This organization shall be known as the Wisconsin Baseball Association, Inc. (WBA)


The purpose of this organization shall be:

  1. To unite all Wisconsin amateur baseball leagues under one Association.
  2. To perpetuate annual State tournaments to determine Wisconsin’s champion.
  3. To encourage and improve the standard of baseball throughout the state of Wisconsin.


  1. Only organized Wisconsin amateur baseball leagues having four or more teams are eligible for membership in the association, provided said leagues are in good standing and comply with WBAbylaws and rules.
  2. Each league shall file with the Association Secretary a copy of its bylaws, certified to by its President and Secretary, immediately after adoption by the league.
  3. The annual dues of the Wisconsin Baseball Association, Inc. shall be $100 per league. Said dues shall be payable on or before June 1st of the current year to the treasurer of the Association. Such dues shall be authorized by the respective league official(s) and paid from its treasury.
  4. Association membership shall be voluntary, but once accepted into membership each League, league members, and league officials agree to abide by the Association’s Constitution, bylaws, and all decisions made by the WBA board of directors.


  1. The government of the Association and management of its affairs shall be vested in a board of thirteen (13) directors, each elected for three (3) year terms.
  2. Seven (7) directors shall constitute a quorum at any regularly called meeting. All business transacted by the board of directors shall bind the Association.
  3. At the WBA annual meeting, one representative of each league in good standing shall be certified to vote for election of members to the board of directors. This representative shall be the league President, or in the President’s absence, the Vice President, or in his/her absence, the secretary of each respective league, or other authorized representative.
  4. All elected directors shall serve a three (3) year term.
  5. Directors shall be elected from a list prepared by a nominating committee appointed by the chair at the annual meeting and from nominations made from the floor.


  1. The officers of the Association shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
  2. The Board of Directors shall meet and elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, of and for the Association for the succeeding year, or until their successors are elected and duly qualified.


  1. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association, appoint all committees, including the Arbitration Committee, and perform all such executive and administrative work as would naturally fall within the duties of his office. He shall also set definite areas for each Director to cover in the promotion of the Association’s Welfare.
  2. In the absence of the President, at any meeting of the Association, the Vice President shall exercise the powers and duties of the President.
  3. Shall both be absent, the Secretary or Treasurer shall preside.
  4. The Secretary shall keep a record of all Association meetings and Board of Directors meetings, and shall perform executive and administrative work within the duties of his office. He shall be entitled to such fixtures, books, stationery and clerical help as the duties of his office may require.
  5. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all Association funds, accountable to the Board of Directors. All disbursements of Association funds will be made by check. All disbursements are subject to Board of Directors approval.


  1. The Association shall have a Tournament Committee, consisting of all members of the Board of Directors. This committee shall supervise and manage the State Tournament. It shall also have other powers and duties as further defined in the bylaws.
  2. The Association shall have an Arbitration Committee consisting of three (3) Directors appointed by the President. This committee shall hear and decide all appeals submitted under Article 2.
  3. An Auditing Committee shall be appointed by the President to audit the Association finances upon request of any director.


  1. Any officer or member of any committee resigning during his term of office shall present his resignation in writing to the Association Secretary.
  2. In case of such resignation, or of vacancies for any other reason in any office or committee post, a successor shall be elected by the board of directors to fill the unexpired term.
  3. In the event of resignation or death of a director, his post shall remain vacant until the next succeeding annual meeting, when a successor may be elected to complete the unexpired portion of his term.
  4. Inactive Board members who fail to attend three consecutive Board meetings may be removed from the Board by majority vote for other Board members.


  1. The Association shall conduct an annual meeting to be centrally located and held at such time and place as is designated each year by the Board of Directors.
  2. This meeting should be held on or before May 1st each year. Board of Directors meetings shall be held at the call of the President or at the written request of at least three Directors. Meetings will be held at a time and place chosen by the President.
  3. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all meetings.


  1. Roll Call
  2. Reading of minutes and communications
  3. Reports of officers
  4. Reports of directors and committees
  5. Unfinished business
  6. New business
  7. Good of the Association
  8. Adjournment


  1. Any team of a member league may appeal a disputed game decision or other league question to the Arbitration Committee, provided that such team has first requested a hearing by its own League and a decision has been rendered or hearing refused by the League.
  2. A certified check for $100.00 and an affidavit by an officer of the league or bona fide evidence showing that a hearing has been refused by that league, must accompany all appeals, which must be submitted in writing to the Arbitration Committee.
  3. Two representatives of each appealing team and two officials from the league involved shall be permitted to appear before the Arbitration Committee.
  4. Any protests or questions involving the outcome of league games must be resolved by the league or Arbitration Committee prior to commencement of State Tournament play. The league decision shall govern unless the appeal is submitted to the Arbitration Committee at least five days prior to the State Tournament. All Arbitration Committee decisions are final and binding.


  1. All leagues shall have bona fide home players who receive no monetary compensation for playing baseball.
  2. A home player resides within a radius specified by his own league, but shall not exceed a thirty (30) mile radius from the team’s field. (This rule was amended at the April 2013 meeting.)
  3. Player residence shall mean legal voting residence, or in the case of a minor, his parents’ voting residence, thirty (30) days prior to May 1st of the current baseball season, provided that:
    a. A college student shall be allowed to play at his hometown or at the college or school he is working at or attending. He shall not, however, be allowed to establish a third residence while employed, teaching, or attending school full time.
    b. Any player returning after military discharge or who is on furlough from the armed services shall maintain the eligibility status established at the time they entered service.
  4. In any league where a player has been classified as a legal resident for two continuous years, he may continue to be classified as such until he leaves the team he played for, regardless of his future residence. If that team disbands, he may continue to play for any team in the league within a 30 mile radius of his original team’s home field. Any player over the age of fifty who played for a team and moved away, may return to his original team regardless of residence.
  5. All players must legally sign player agreement forms to participate in WBA sanctioned league games and tournaments. No player shall sign multiple agreements, or sign with another team unless released from his original agreement by the first team. Player agreement forms (team rosters) must be signed and submitted to league secretaries by July 1st. League secretaries shall submit the original forms to the WBA secretary by July 10th.
    a. A $25.00 fine shall be assessed against a league that fails to file its rosters and league schedules with the WBAsecretary by July 10th.
    b. Players appearing in a team lineup prior to July 1st must appear on the team’s Player Agreement Form (roster), with a limit of 5 roster moves. Leagues may have stricter provisions. (This was approved at the March 30, 1996 annual meeting.)
  6. Any player released by a team cannot return to his original team during the current season.
  7. If a player is present for and not allowed to play in three (3) consecutive games, he may apply to the Board of Directors of the Association for his release from his contract if the team manager refuses.
  8. Any player who has played in professional ball in Class A or higher, as listed by Minor League Baseball (MiLB), will be ineligible to play on any team in any member league for a period of six (6) calendar months from the time he played his last professional game. This rule shall not apply to any person who played professional ball on a trial basis only for the period (or combination of trial periods) of not more than sixty (60) days.


The following rules shall govern the entry of all member leagues and teams in State Tournament play regardless of governing rules of any individual league.

  1. Each team may have twenty (20) players on its roster. A roster list must be certified by the league President and Secretary and filed with the Association Secretary not later than four (4) days prior to commencement of tournament play. All players must be listed under their correct name, and if known by an assumed name, such other name must be indicated also.
  2. Every player listed shall have played in 25% or more league games for that team during its regular league season, provided that any persons playing high school or American Legion summer ball, in authorized sports programs, may be eligible to play in the WBA State Tournament without compliance with the 25% requirement. Such individuals must comply with all other rules and bylaws, and must sign a player agreement with their team prior to July 1st of the current year. (Amended April 2017.)
  3. Each team participating in the WBA State Tournament is permitted to draft one (1) player for State Tournament play from a non-qualifying team in its member league. Teams must submit the name of their draftee to the Association Secretary least four (4) days before the State Tournament semi-finals. A drafted player shall wear his home team uniform.
  4. The tournament committee shall request each league to designate eligible teams (according to their league standings) for participation in State Tournament (semi-final) play. If a league schedule is incomplete, the highest ranking teams shall be designated eligible. The number of participating State Tournament teams from each league shall be determined by league size and the number of participant leagues. In the case of more than 32 teams being playoff eligible, two or more teams shall compete in a “play-in” game held at a neutral site agreed upon by the participating teams. (Amended May 6, 2018)
  5. For 2021, a six (6) site playoff tournament, with six (6) teams at each site (in two separate pool of three teams each), will be conducted with a host fee of $1500 per site. (Amended April 10, 2021- Automatic playoff berths for host sites eliminated on this date.)
  6. In the case of an interstate league, out of state teams shall be treated the same as Wisconsin teams in WBA tournaments.
  7. All leagues must submit their final standings and eligible teams to the Association Secretary by July 30th without exception.
  8. Any team participating in State Tournament play which leaves the field of play during a game over a disputed decision shall forfeit their game and their share of tournament receipts.
  9. Drafted players shall not count in determining a team’s twenty (20) player roster limit.
  10. Team playoff rosters may not be changed after filing with the Association Secretary.
  11. Any team permitting an ineligible player to participate in any State Tournament games in violation of Article 12, or violates any of the tournament qualifying requirements set forth in Article 13, or violates the membership requirements of Article 3, shall immediately forfeit its tournament eligibility and shall additionally forfeit its share of tournament receipts. Tournament standings and results shall be determined by the Tournament Committee in such manner deemed necessary for orderly completion of the State Tournaments.
  12. If a team forfeits a State Tournament game due to lack of eligible players, that team loses State Tournament eligibility for a period of two years.
  13. League size for State Tournament play shall be determined by the number of player agreement forms submitted to the Association Secretary by July 10th.


  1. State Tournaments shall be conducted annually by the WBA, with a series of initial semi-final tournaments and a subsequent final tournament. These tournaments shall determine the Wisconsin Baseball Association Champion. Each semi-final tournament shall be under the supervision of a member of the Board of Directors, designated by the President as the Regional Director for that region. The state final tournament shall be supervised by the Board of Directors, acting as the Tournament Committee.
  2. The State Tournament format shall be established at the Association’s annual meeting for the current year. The format will designate the number of State semi-final Tournament sites, and specify the general conditions and monetary values of tournament site bids. The State final Tournament site will rotate between member leagues as agreed upon in 2005.
  3. Thereafter the Tournament Committee shall determine the sites of all state semi-final tournaments, giving due consideration to any bids received and the best interests of the Wisconsin Baseball Association.
  4. The admission charge for state tournaments shall be established by the Tournament Committee.
  5. The following State final Tournament expenses shall be paid by the Wisconsin Baseball Association: publicity, tickets, umpires, and baseballs. All other State semi-final Tournament expenses at each site shall be paid by the host. There shall be no allowance for facility rental or maintenance.
  6. The net receipts of the tournament shall be divided pro rata, on a per team per game basis, among the teams playing in the tournament. The State Championship team shall receive $50 in addition to team shares. Net receipts shall not be distributed until after the conclusion of the state tournaments, at which time the Board of Directors shall give full and complete record to the competing teams.
  7. The Tournament Committee shall select all umpires for the state tournaments.
  8. In State Tournament play, it is unnecessary that games reach nine innings, if weather or other conditions interfere with completion. It is a regulation game if called by the umpire on account of darkness, rain, or other causes which in the umpire’s judgement interferes with further play, providing five or more equal innings have been played, or if the team second at bat shall have made more runs at the end of its fourth inning, or before the completion of the fifth inning, than the team first at bat has made in five consecutive innings. If a game shall be halted after more than one (1) complete inning, but less than a regulation game for any reason the game shall be suspended and resumed the next playing day.
  9. State Tournaments shall utilize American League playing rules. However, MLB rule 6.10 shall be altered to allow a Designated Hitter (DH) for any defensive position on the field. The designated hitter must bat in the spot assigned to him on the line-up card and only in that spot. No multiple substitutions may be made that will alter the batting rotation of the Designated Hitter. Once the defensive player bats for the DH, this move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for the remainder of the game.
  10. Players must wear an approved protective helmet while batting and running bases.
  11. If any questions arise concerning tournament play, including questions regarding eligibility (player or team), pairings, rules or bylaw interpretation, the Regional Tournament director shall answer the question(s) and in turn immediately notify the Association Secretary. The Secretary shall immediately answer the question if possible. If accepted by the parties involved, his decision will stand for the Association. If disputed, or if the Secretary cannot answer the question, then the Secretary shall immediately notify at least six (6) Association Directors by telephone regarding the issue, and the majority vote of such Board members shall decide the issue for the Association. The Secretary shall then immediately notify the Regional Tournament director of such decision. In the event the Regional Tournament director is not notified of the decision before the event in question is to take place, the decision of the Regional Tournament director shall stand.
    The Board of Directors may at any time settle any questions raised, even if their decision overrules one made by the Secretary or the Regional Tournament director. Decisions rendered by the Board of Directors shall be final, and all members shall be bound thereby, with no right of appeal to any administrative body or court.
  12. Any player, manager, team, league, or official participating in the state tournaments shall comply with all rules set forth herein, and with all decisions made by the Board of Directors. Non-compliance with any such rule or decision shall subject the offending party to a fine of up to $50.00 by the Association. Any such fines may be deducted from the team’s share of tournament receipts. Any rendered Association penalties shall be final.


  1. The Wisconsin Baseball Association constitution and bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of league representatives present at an annual meeting or a meeting called for that purpose.
  2. Any member league or member of the Board of Directors may initiate a proposed amendment to the constitution or bylaws. The secretary shall than present the amendment for consideration at the next annual meeting of the association, or, if the board of directors approves, at a special meeting approved by the board of directors.

Download the WBA Constitution and By-Laws below.

*Updated 10/9/22*