Year: 2011

Minutes of Wisconsin Baseball Association

Opening: The 63rd annual meeting of the Wisconsin Baseball Association was called to order at 1:35 PM on April 9, 2011 at the Blue Moose Bar & Grill in Bloomer, Wisconsin by WBA President Joe Juza.

Present: Joe Juza, WBA President and board director (Haugen), Mike Roiger, WBA Treasurer and board member (Whittlesey), Jamie Ziembo, WBA Vice President and director (Rib Lake), Herb Scheithauer, WBA board director (Interwald), Gary Isensee, WBA board director (Sparta), Scott Sorenson, WBA board member (Chippewa Rivers league), Steve Truttman, WBA board member (Bay City), Tim Lee, WBA board member (Upper 13 league), Jim Nikolay, WBA lifetime board director (Abbotsford), Aaron Musil (Haugen Hornets), Paul Juza (Haugen Hornets), Dick Bender (Hayward Hawks), Jon Bergum (Hayward Hawks), Bob Schmidt (Hayward Hawks), Jack Celt (Bay City), Josh Eidem (River Falls Fighting Fish), Rich Lindsey (Haugen Knights), Paul Pehler (Whitehall Wolves), Aaron Vold (Osseo Merchants), Jon Soiney (Osseo), Kyle Kittleson (Osseo), Luke Anderson (Osseo), Chris LaBreche (Hudson River Rats / St. Croix Valley league).

A. Approval of Agenda The agenda was unanimously approved as distributed.

B. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed, motion made by Mike Roiger, seconded by Herb Scheithauer. Prior to approval of minutes, President Joe Juza appointed Chris LaBreche as temporary secretary, to replace Mark Helmer, who had resigned earlier in the year. Treasurer’s report was distributed to all present by Mike Roiger, motion to accept made by Herb Scheithauer, seconded by Jim Nikolay, and approved unanimously.

C. Roll Call 1. Leagues present—Chippewa Rivers (represented by Scott Sorenson), Dairyland (represented by Jamie Ziembo), Independent (represented by Paul Juza), Mississippi Valley (represented by Gary Isensee), St. Croix Valley (represented by Steve Truttman), and Upper 13 (represented by Tim Lee). 2. Recognition of members present—directors, candidates, and attendees introduced themselves, starting with Chris LaBreche, followed by Gary Isensee, Aaron Musil, Paul Juza, Jim Nikolay, Scott Sorenson, etc. 3. Electing directors present—Mike Roiger, Steve Truttman, Ed Pufall, and Tim Lee were all up for reelection. Mike Roiger requested that he would be approved for a lifetime director position to open up another director position, which was motioned by Herb Scheithauer and seconded by Gary Isensee. Motion unanimously approved. Tim Lee motioned to appoint Chris LaBreche as secretary for a one year term (to replace Mark Helmer), and to also re-appoint Steve Truttman, Ed Pufall, and Tim Lee for another 3 year term. Josh Eidem was additionally appointed to a director’s position. Motion seconded by Jim Nikolay.

D. Unfinished Business

E. New Business Josh Eidem distributed copies of his double elimination playoff tournament proposal for review, followed by a brief explanation of the format. After a brief discussion, President Joe Juza recommended that the proposal go to each league for discussion and input. Following this, President Juza stated that the WBA officers and elected directors are obligated to attend the playoffs, especially the tournament finals and Championship game, to display support of all teams and also to help distribute awards after the game. A motion to accept 2012 playoff games was made as follows—August 10th-12th for the semi-finals, and August 17th-19th for the finals. Motion made by Tim Lee and seconded by Gary Isensee. Explanation of updated communication and electronic promotion of the WBA was made by Chris LaBreche and Josh Eidem, which will include an updated website and other social media outlets to increase dissemination of information related to the Association. Tournament umpires were discussed, and it was agreed that a minimum of two umpires shall be used for semi-final games. Three to four umpires were to be used for the WBA Finals. A motion to keep automatic Final tournament bids of $2000 for the next 5 years was made by Paul Juza, seconded by Jim Nikolay, approved unanimously (6-0) by member leagues. Related to playoff site bidding, a motion was made to rescind starting bids of $2000 for semi-final sites. This motion was made by Gary Isensee and seconded by Jim Nikolay, approved unanimously (6-0) by member leagues. 2011 Playoff bidding resulted in the following towns / teams winning semi-final sites: Osceola, Hayward, Rib Lake (hosted by Interwald), and Osseo all placed $2100 bids. All bid proceeds must be submitted to Mike Roiger prior to the WBA seeding meeting.

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 PM by Mike Roiger. The next meeting will be at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, August 2nd in Eau Claire. Minutes submitted by: Chris LaBreche, WBA Secretary