Year: 2010

Minutes of Wisconsin Baseball Association

A. Call meeting to order (According to the WBA Bylaws Articles 9 and 10) by President Juza at 1:05

B. Roll Call 1. Leagues present x_Chippewa Rivers, _x Dairyland x__Independent , Mississippi Valley, ____St. Croix Valley, Upper 13 2. Elected Directors present _x__Herb Scheithauer(12) _x__Gary Isensee(12) Jamie Ziembo(12) x_Mark Helmer(12) __x_Steve Salmi (12) __x_Joe Juza(10) __x_Dave Hanson(10) __x_Scott Sorenson(10) __x_Bert Ekern(10) __x_Mike Roiger(11) __x_Steve Truttman(11) __x_Ed Pufall(11) Tim Lee(11) ___Jerry Angel (LIfetime) __x_JIm Nikolay (LIfetime) ___Dick Leonard(LIfetime) ___Wanda (Lifetime)

3. Recognition of visitors present- Introduction of all present

C. Minutes of the 61st Annual Meeting—Motion by Mike Roiger Second by Dave Hanson to approve minutes as presented.

D. Officers Reports

1. President’s Report—No complaints from any sites and tournaments went well , weather cooperated.

2. Vice President’s Report- not pesent

3. Treasurer’s Report– a. financial report—submitted and Motion by Ed Pufall second by Jim Nikolay to approve Treasures report as submitted- motion carried. Motion by Ed Pufall secnd by Jim Nikolay to increse the WBA percent to 15 until balance reaches $2000 . After discussion that the WBA will not be able to pay its bills because of low balance. Mike Roiger said it will pay the 2009 secretary expense when the money comes in later this year. Motion carried

b. league dues and tournament fees- Motion by Scott Sorenson second by Brady Randolph to Raise the league dues to $100. Motion carried

c. uncashed share checks- none

4. Secretary’s Report—Website is up and running

E. Reports from committees

1. Seeding committee– Too many people at the meeting suggested that we stick to our committee assignments of 1 from each league , Tournament Director, Secretary , Presdent to set the tournament field . no additional. Site directors to be at meeting for fisrt 10 minutes to go over times and other important information and then can wait for results. This turned into a motion by Dave Hanson second by Steve Salmi motion carried

2. additional reports from committees and or directors—none

F. Unfinished business from 2009—Rotation for Finals to be as follows Dairyland 2010 Miss Valley 2011 Chip Rivers 2012 St. Crx Valley 2013 Upper 13 2014 Independent 2015 Fee to be $ 2000 Moiton by Bert Ekern second by Dave Hanson. Carried 6-0 G.

New Business 1. Election of directors (3 year terms)—Motion by Ed Pufall second by Jim Nikolay to re elect all 4 directors and cast a unanimous ballot. Motion carried These directors were previously elected for three year terms at the 59th annual meeting in 2007 and these seats are up for election. _Joe Juza(10) ___Dave Hanson(10) ___Scott Sorenson(10) ___Bert Ekern(10) H. Double elimination tournament proposal presentation by Josh Eidem and Brady Randolph for a Double elimination tournament. Document attached. Motion to adopt tournament as presented by Josh Eidem second by Brady Randolph moton failed 5-1 St Croix Valley casting the only vote in favor.

2. Tournament Dates

a. 2010—Semi Finals August 13, 14, 15

b. 2010—Finals August 20,21, 22 at Dairyland Site

c. 2011——Semi Finals August 12,13,14 at winning bidders

d. 2011——Finals August 19,20,21 at Miss. Valley site Motion by Dave Hanson second by Steve Salmi- Passed

3. Seeding Discussion

a. Last year committee appointments– one person from each league , Tournament Director, State Secretary, and President. Site location reps should be present but not involved in team selection. Covered earlier in meeting

b. Date and Location for Seeding Meeting proposed Eau Claire Armory Tuesday, Aug. 3rd 7:00PM 4.Tournament Format—discussed earlier 5. 25 mile radius Discussion(Article 12)—no changes

6. Survey of number of teams in each league _10__Chippewa Rivers,_12 Dairyland 12_Independent , _7__Mississippi Valley , __12_St. Croix Valley , _9 Upper 13,

10. Copy of all rosters with contact lists to be distributed at seeding meeting? yes

11. 12. Submitting schedules and league directors to state secretary-

13. Eligible teams for the State Tournament(Article 13 #6)

14. Tournament Umpires Discussed appropriate attire some sites not very professional

15. Wba payment of meals following the meeting based on the number of people present and the cost of the meals. We normally by approximately 30 meals.- Motion by Jim Nikolay second by Dave Hanson

16. Other new business Motion by to designate official baseballs ast Diamond D1 pro, Willson A1010 and NBC Jet. By Joe Juza, second by Steve Trutman Motion carried Motion by Ber Ekern second by Scott Sorenson to have the higher seed be designated the home team in case of tie coin flip. Vote by league Chiip Rivers yes Independent –no Dairyland –no St croix Valley – Yes upper 13 No Miss Valley yes Motion failed 3-3 Motion by Paul Juza second by Steve Salmi to have the coin flip 20 minutes before game time. Motion carried

H. Good of the Association

1. Leagues pick up your Roster forms

2. Other I. Bid Meeting 4 highest bidders for the SEMI FINALS For Last years winners see 2009 minutes 2010 5 teams bidding. Rib Lake , Haugen Hornets, Osceola Ashland and Sparta Winning bids $1100 by Rib Lake , Haugen Hornets, Osceola and Ashland. Next years meeting April 9 2011 at the Blue Moose in Blommer. ( same as this year) J.

Adjournment Motin by Steve Salmi second by Paul Juza to adjourn. Carried at 3:17