Year: 2009

Minutes of Wisconsin Baseball Association

A. Call Meeting to order

B. Roll Call Herb Scheithauer(12)x Gary Isensee(12)x Jamie Ziembo(12)x Mark Helmer(12)x Steve Salmi (12)x Steve Truttman (11)x Mike Roiger (11) x Ed Pufall (11)x Tim Lee (11)x Dave Hanson(10)x Joe Juza(10) Scott Sorenson(10) Bert Ekern(10)x Lifetime Director –Jerry Angell Lifetime Director –Dic Leonard Lifetime Director –Jim Nikolayx

C. Minutes of Meeting 08Motion byJim Nikolya second by Mike Roiger to approve 08 minutes. Motion Passed

D. Election of Officers Motion by Dave Hanson second by Herb Scheithauer to nominate and close nominations and cast a unanimious ballot for the current officers . Moiton carried

1. President–Joe Juza 2. Vice President–Jamie Ziembo 3. Treasurer–Mike Roiger 4. Secretary–Mark Helmer

E Unfinished Business

F. Officer Reports–none

G. New Business–Note to be sent to great northern league to attend meeting. Congratulations to Ed Pufal of Ashland on a very succesful final tournament 1.Secretary Expense $500 Moiton by Mike Roiger second by Jim Nikolay Motion passed 2.Tournament Director Mike Roiger expense– Out of Pocket Reimbursement

3. Umpire director expense Art Zwiefelhofer $ 125

4. Official scorer $100 to Haugen Hornets

H. Good of the Association

Adjournment Motion to adjourn by steve Salmi second by Tim Lee Adjourned at 3:23